Forward...Four Years A day after the 4-year Memorial Ceremony, the flowers and memories of loved ones remain.
Colors of Hope After darkness are bright colors of hope.
Red Hope Red flowers burst from the snow outside on campus, the Forward Together, Forward is subtle in the background, letting us know what we will never forget.
Butterfly With a Story Battered butterfly on beautiful flower
Together we go forward When I learned about the Images of Hope project, I wanted to participate. Since my husband and sister are on staff at NIU, I am a part of the NIU extended family and felt the impact of the tragedy.
Essence of the eternal being The beauty of life can be absorbed with every breath we take.
Flowers A triangle of red tulips.
Spring Awakening Spring Daffodil Blooms on a sunny day.
Edinburgh These flowers were growing in the rocks at the base of Edinburgh Castle - impressed by their growth in the poor soil.
Beauty Unnoticed Walking to my car in May I noticed how pretty the trees were and stopped to take several photos.