Youth Violence
Care Package from the College of DuPage
Items included in care package are as follows: Item #1: School newspaper - Courier - from February 22, 2008. The headline on the paper reads: NIU grief counseling provided to students. Inside the paper on page 3 is an announcement of the upcoming NIU Day of Remembrance on February 25th, 2008. Item #2: School newspaper - Courier - from February 29, 2008. The headline on the paper reads: Monday's standing room only memorial allows students, employees time to grieve NIU's loss. Inside paper on page 3 is an article about the DuPage Ribbon & Button Project for NIU Remembrance. Item #3: Black marble paperweight with gray etching with DuPage logo reading: College of DuPage Foundation. Item #4: Shiny, dark gray ball-point pen with DuPage logo reading on cap: College of DuPage. Item #5: White button with crying huskie dog logo reading in black and red: Today we are all Huskies: College of DuPage. Attached to pin is a small black ribbon. Size: 2.25" diameter. Item #6: Leather journal with feather pen on cover and gold-trim pages. Inside are messages and signatures from the community of the College of DuPage. About half of the pages are filled with hundreds of messages. First page has a poem by William Wordsworth entitled "Ode: Intimations of Immortality from Recollections of Early Childhood." Size: 7" wide by 9.25" tall. Item #7: Photographs from the College of DuPage's Day of Remembrance for NIU. Two print-outs of photographs, the rest of which are included in their original size on a CD-R. Item #8: Program / Transcription of the proceedings of the NIU Day of Remembrance held at the College of DuPage on February 25, 2008. Program is bound together with black ribbon and has a crying huskie dog logo at the top of the front page. Size: 8.5" wide by 11" tall. -
Framed Condolence Note / Resolution from the University of Maine Student Senate
Framed document reading: General Student Senate Resolution: Resolution #295-68-02-19-08: An Act To: Extend the condolences of the University of Maine Student Government to the Student Body of Northern Illinois University. The document condemns school violence of all forms. Signed by James Lyons, Steven Moran & Amy M. Grant. Size: 11" wide by 13" tall. -
Banners from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Banner #1: Large white vinyl banner reading in blue: Our Deepest Condolences [U of I logo]: ILLINOIS: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign: UI [heart] NIU. Top left corner reads in red: NIU: Northern Illinois University. Various prayers, messages of support, drawings and signatures. Large message in blue: Please please don't blame videogames or TV (There is a multiplicity of factors at play) - Aziz. Note referring to Daniel Parmenter: This is to my brother who lost his Pike brother: RIP Dan: - Lynn Griffin. Many other languages: Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Sanskrit, Spanish, Czech, Turkish, Greek, Latin and perhaps more. Size: 48.5" tall by 96.5" long. Banner #2: Large white vinyl banner reading in blue: Our Deepest Condolences [U of I logo]: ILLINOIS: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign: UI [heart] NIU. Top left corner reads in red: NIU: Northern Illinois University. Various prayers, messages of support, drawings and signatures. Two messages to Catalina from 'Tanya' and 'Miztli'. Size: 48.5" tall by 96.5" long. -
Stop the Violence in Englewood
Kennedy-King College's Community Education Festival. IMAGE 3 - This young man is rapping about, "stopping the violence" in the Chicago Englewood neighborhood. When I heard his group perform, even though I tried to resist, it brought tears to my eyes. He was so real and sincere.