Sign from Katie Norieko, et al, from Campus Memorials
Sign made of foam-core in the shape of a red heart with blue wings reading: You will always be in our hearts! Photographs of each of the victims are attached to the heart. Size: 39" wide by 52" tall. -
Poster from NIU Day of Reflection (Two-Year Anniversary)
Small poster/sign with picture of Bruce A. Niemi's "Remembered" statue against a blue sky reading, "NIU Remembers: A Day of Reflection." Poster also has times for the presentation of the memorial wreaths, candlelight vigil, and reception. Also reads, "02.14.10" at the bottom-right. Size: 14" tall by 20" wide. -
T-Shirt from NIU Day of Reflection (Two-Year Anniversary)
White t-shirt with picture of dance steps in black, blue, pink, white and yellow. Shoe-prints are black with white huskie paws at heels. Reads: memory of those lost on February 14, 2008: niu remembers: dance-a-thon 2010. Campus Activities Board Logo at Bottom. Size: Small. -
Care Package from the College of DuPage
Items included in care package are as follows: Item #1: School newspaper - Courier - from February 22, 2008. The headline on the paper reads: NIU grief counseling provided to students. Inside the paper on page 3 is an announcement of the upcoming NIU Day of Remembrance on February 25th, 2008. Item #2: School newspaper - Courier - from February 29, 2008. The headline on the paper reads: Monday's standing room only memorial allows students, employees time to grieve NIU's loss. Inside paper on page 3 is an article about the DuPage Ribbon & Button Project for NIU Remembrance. Item #3: Black marble paperweight with gray etching with DuPage logo reading: College of DuPage Foundation. Item #4: Shiny, dark gray ball-point pen with DuPage logo reading on cap: College of DuPage. Item #5: White button with crying huskie dog logo reading in black and red: Today we are all Huskies: College of DuPage. Attached to pin is a small black ribbon. Size: 2.25" diameter. Item #6: Leather journal with feather pen on cover and gold-trim pages. Inside are messages and signatures from the community of the College of DuPage. About half of the pages are filled with hundreds of messages. First page has a poem by William Wordsworth entitled "Ode: Intimations of Immortality from Recollections of Early Childhood." Size: 7" wide by 9.25" tall. Item #7: Photographs from the College of DuPage's Day of Remembrance for NIU. Two print-outs of photographs, the rest of which are included in their original size on a CD-R. Item #8: Program / Transcription of the proceedings of the NIU Day of Remembrance held at the College of DuPage on February 25, 2008. Program is bound together with black ribbon and has a crying huskie dog logo at the top of the front page. Size: 8.5" wide by 11" tall. -
Angels from Vivian Dybicz Swibel
Large gold and bronze angel ornaments. Quantity: 5 (to represent the five victims). Size: 8"-9" tall. Letter included that tells of her daughter (Katherine Swibel, Class of 2011) who was on campus at the time of the incident. Angel #1: Angel holds a harp. Inscription on back of wings reads: Gayle Dubowski: Shy, Polish Anthropologist strong in her faith. Angel #2: Angel holds a flute. Inscription on back of wings reads: Catalina Garcia: Latin children's pink. Angel #3: Angel holds a flute. Inscription on back of wings reads: Julianna Gehant: Proud Army Veteran: teacher-to-be. Angel #4: Angel holds a harp. Inscription on back of wings reads: Ryanne Mace: Counselor-at-heart: a collector. Angel #5: Angel holds a lute. Inscription on back reads: Daniel Parmenter: Gentle Giant, a protector. -
T-Shirt from the Office of Support & Advocacy at NIU from the Day of Remembrance (One-Year Anniversary)
White, long-sleeve T-shirt with a gold flower graphic reading: NIU Remembers: a day of reflection: 02.14.09. Reverse-side reads: Volunteer Huskie. This was the shirt that volunteers wore at the 'Day of Remembrance' on 2/14/09. Size: 3XL. -
Poster for Gayle Dubowski from Campus Memorials
White posterboard reading: Te iubim!: U will be missed!: Look to God. There are six notes on the poster addressed to Gayle. One message is in Portuguese only, the others are in English and have Portuguese phrases. Size: 22" tall by 28" long. -
Card to Daniel Parmenter from Campus Memorials
Card with a picture of a rose reading "To Daniel: To live in the hearts we leave behind is not to die: -W.W. Campbell: You will be remembered. Small tear near top. Size: 4" wide by 11" tall. -
Poem from Christina Rossetti from Campus Memorials
Poem entitled "Remember" reading: Remember me when I am gone away [...]. Size: 4.25" wide by 6.75" tall. -
Letters to Gayle Dubowski from Campus Memorials
Letters on notebook paper addressed to Gayle from friends. Quantity: 5. Size: (Four of them) 7.25" wide by 9.5" tall; (One of them) 7.25" wide by 5" tall.