Care Package from the College of DuPage
Items included in care package are as follows: Item #1: School newspaper - Courier - from February 22, 2008. The headline on the paper reads: NIU grief counseling provided to students. Inside the paper on page 3 is an announcement of the upcoming NIU Day of Remembrance on February 25th, 2008. Item #2: School newspaper - Courier - from February 29, 2008. The headline on the paper reads: Monday's standing room only memorial allows students, employees time to grieve NIU's loss. Inside paper on page 3 is an article about the DuPage Ribbon & Button Project for NIU Remembrance. Item #3: Black marble paperweight with gray etching with DuPage logo reading: College of DuPage Foundation. Item #4: Shiny, dark gray ball-point pen with DuPage logo reading on cap: College of DuPage. Item #5: White button with crying huskie dog logo reading in black and red: Today we are all Huskies: College of DuPage. Attached to pin is a small black ribbon. Size: 2.25" diameter. Item #6: Leather journal with feather pen on cover and gold-trim pages. Inside are messages and signatures from the community of the College of DuPage. About half of the pages are filled with hundreds of messages. First page has a poem by William Wordsworth entitled "Ode: Intimations of Immortality from Recollections of Early Childhood." Size: 7" wide by 9.25" tall. Item #7: Photographs from the College of DuPage's Day of Remembrance for NIU. Two print-outs of photographs, the rest of which are included in their original size on a CD-R. Item #8: Program / Transcription of the proceedings of the NIU Day of Remembrance held at the College of DuPage on February 25, 2008. Program is bound together with black ribbon and has a crying huskie dog logo at the top of the front page. Size: 8.5" wide by 11" tall. -
Banner from Joliet Junior College
Large, white paper banner reading in purple: Our thoughts and prayers for Northern Illinois University. One message mentions being at NIU at the time of the shooting - from Rachel Papp. Another mentions Daniel: NIU Rugby: Rip Dan. And another mentions Catalina. Large drawing of a cross near top-left corner. Various other messages, prayers and signatures cover the banner. Some poetry. Size: 48" tall by 107" long. -
Condolence Notes from Ryan Sego from Campus Memorials
Condolence note with two poems/quotes. One is Tennyson's "In Memoriam" and the other is Samuel Johnson's "Friendship: An Ode". Message reads "I'm so sorry." Paper is heavy and cream-colored. Quantity: 6. Size: 8.25" wide by 11" tall. -
Messages of Support from Campus Memorials
Message/poem/prayer on notebook paper. One reads "Deep peace of the running wave to you [...]"; the other reads "O Great Mother [...]" Quantity: 2. SIze: 6.5" wide by 10.5" tall. -
Poem from Christina Rossetti from Campus Memorials
Poem entitled "Remember" reading: Remember me when I am gone away [...]. Size: 4.25" wide by 6.75" tall. -
Prayer from Campus Memorials
Prayer beginning with: Lord, make me an instrument of Thy peace [...]. Size: 8.25" wide by 11" tall. -
Poem from Campus Memorials
Poem by William Blake entitled "Forward Together Forward" with a huskie dog logo in the background. Size: 8" wide by 10" tall. -
Poem from 'KRW' from Campus Memorials
Poem with huskie dog logo on white paper. Poem reads: Today we all bleed red, white and black [...]. The initials "KRW" are typed in the lower right-hand corner. Size: 8.25" wide by 11" tall. -
Poem from Nicole Theissing from Campus Memorials
Poem on white paper entitled "Forever Etched In My Heart" by Nicole Theissing. Size: 8.5" wide by 11" tall. -
Poem from Campus Memorials
Poem on white paper entitled "Letter of Love". Poem is on reverse side and begins: How does this happen? [...]. Size: 8.5" wide by 11" tall.