National media on campus
Deborah Haliczer, Director of Employee Relations for NIU, tells husband Stephen Haliczer of her perception of the media's overwhelming presence on campus and how disturbing it was to have notoriety resulting from tragedy. -
Making sense of it all in the days after 2/14
Lee Scott, NIU student, speaks with his mother, Debra Scott, registered nurse of Kishwaukee Community Hospital, about mourning in the days after and empathizing with the families and friends of the victims. He discusses his own healing. -
The little things of the day
Caitlin Mullen and Andrew Mitchell, journalists for the Northern Star (NIU campus newspaper), speak with Jim Killam, Northern Star Advisor about what they were doing when they found out about the shootings, how they reacted as journalists, and discuss they ways their lives were interrupted by the event. -
Recovery aided by email
Deborah Haliczer, Director of Employee Relations for NIU, tells husband Stephen Haliczer of the important role teaching faculty played in student recovery by sending email and Blackboard messages. She also discusses the importance of email from colleagues around the country who personally supported her. -
After 7p.m. at the hospital
Kishwaukee Community Hospital RNs Rebecca Maier and Cindy Graves speak of the aftermath at the hospital once all patients had been attended to and the flurry of activity had slowed in the evening. -
On being a student, a journalist, and emotional recovery
Caitlin Mullen and Andrew Mitchell, journalists for the Northern Star (NIU campus newspaper), speak with Jim Killam, Northern Star Advisor about how they sorted through their mixed feelings about all the press coverage and national news attention the Northern Star received. They also discuss their recovery as journalists, which was aided by a Dart Center seminar. -
Reporting live from the scene
Brian Adams, News Director for WDKB-FM (DeKalb, IL) describes being one of the first press people to the scene. He interviews two students and stresses the shock those inside the classroom had experienced. -
Characterizing Kaszmierczak
Melanie Magara, Assistant Vice President for Public Affairs speaks with Jennice O'Brien, NIU Web Site Manager, about how the University came to characterize the shooter on February 14, 2008. She emphasizes the use of "disturbed" rather than "evil" when speaking directly about Kaszmierczak. -
The first press conference after the shooting
Melanie Magara, Assistant Vice President for Public Affairs speaks with Jennice O'Brien, NIU Web Site Manager, about her experience giving the first press conference on February 14, 2008.