2 14 Memorial Collection
Huskie Dog Beanie Baby from Ty, Inc.
Small light gray and white huskie dog Beanie Baby with tag in ear reading, "Avalanche." Sign included reading, "1,000 Huskie Beanie Babies were donated by the Beanie Baby Corporation to the Counseling and Student Development Center at NIU to be handed out to students." This Beanie Baby was on display with the sign at the 2/14 Memorial Center in the Holmes Student Center. Size: 8" long. -
T-Shirt from NIU Student Memorial Ceremony Planning (Convocation Center)
Red T-shirt with Huskies logo over black ribbon reading, "Forward, Together Forward : 2.24.08" on right side of chest. Back of shirt has a quote from President Peters reading, "2.14.08 : 'We are by no means [...]" Size: 5XL.