Not again


Not again
Megan Armbruster
Megan Armbruster
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"Oh no - not yet!" were my first thoughts as I heard the breaking news of a gunman on the campus of Northern Illinois University. For me, as the Recovery Coordinator in the Office of Recovery & Support at Virginia Tech at the time of the NIU shootings, I anticipated that another school would experience the nightmare we faced at VT, but I was sick to think that it was already happening. My main responsibility at Virginia Tech in the aftermath of our shootings was to work with the students who were physically injured and returned to campus to complete their degree programs. My colleague and I immediately began to call "our" students to inform them of the news before they were confronted with it via a media outlet. We offered hugs and words of assurance as they dealt with their emotions that triggered memories of their own experiences. We gathered a few days after the NIU shootings to express our grief and disbelief through art therapy.

In the days and weeks to follow I shared lessons learned and pieces of helpful information to the Vice President for Student Affairs and later staff members in the NIU Office of Support and Advocacy. A group from our campus including students who were physically injured flew to DeKalb for the one-year anniversary. We so appreciated the enormous show of support from NIU at the marking of our one-year anniversary and wanted to express the same sentiment. I have appreciated having talented colleagues in the Office of Support and Advocacy to call upon when I need to talk to someone who can truly understand what we are experiencing in the aftermath of unbelievable trauma. This is an experience I would not ever wish on a campus. I am so sorry that NIU has to heal, as we are learning at VT. I will forever be grateful to Megan, Scott, Angie, Bryan and others for their support and friendship. I hope to be able to offer the same, at their times of need, as well.
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physically injured Virginia Tech