Digital Memorial Exhibit
Item set
T-Shirt from NIU Day of Reflection (Two-Year Anniversary)
White t-shirt with picture of dance steps in black, blue, pink, white and yellow. Shoe-prints are black with white huskie paws at heels. Reads: memory of those lost on February 14, 2008: niu remembers: dance-a-thon 2010. Campus Activities Board Logo at Bottom. Size: Small. -
Artifacts from NIU Day of Reflection (Two-Year Anniversary)
(1) White stick candle with small white with flower print Dixie cup. Size: (candle) 8" long by 1" diameter; (cup) 2.25" tall by 2.25" diameter. (2) Black and white-with-black-paws ribbons with safety pin. Size: 4" long. -
Teddy Bear from Campus Memorials
White teddy bear in white T-shirt with red sleeves. It has a red bow tied around its neck. T-shirt reads in red: DeKalb Firefighters: DeKalb Fire Department. T-shirt reads in yellow and red: We Care. Left at Cole Hall memorial site, which was taken down on 5/23/08. Size: 10" tall by 7" wide by 8" deep. -
Artificial Flowers from Campus Memorials
Bunch of red silk roses in plastic wrap with red ribbon and tan teddy bear. Quantity: 6. Size: Varies from 21" to 23" long. -
Artificial Flowers from Campus Memorials
Single red silk roses. Various shades of red. Some have accent flowers, baby's breath, dewdrops and/or are wrapped in plastic. Quantity: 30. Size: Varies from 7" to 28" long. -
Artificial Flowers from Campus Memorials
Bunches of red silk and velvet roses. Various shades of red. Some have accent flowers and baby's breath. Quantity: 24. Size: Varies from 6.5" to 20" long. -
Artificial Flowers from Campus Memorials
Bunch of pink, red and white silk roses tied together with different colored ribbons. Quantity: 5. Size: Varies from 12" to 20" long. -
Artificial Flower from Campus Memorials
Bunch of pink silk roses. Size: 16" long. -
Artificial Flower from Campus Memorials
White and pink silk hibiscus with pollenated stamen. Size: 16" long. -
Artificial Flower from Campus Memorials
White silk snapdragon. Size: 11.5" long.