Poster from Highland Community College from Campus Memorials Crumpled white poster with crying huskie dog logo reading: You are in our prayers: ~Highland Community College. Poster has various messages, prayers and signatures and attached are two balloons (one red, one black) that have since deflated. Size: 22.5" tall by 29" long.
Poster from Campus Memorials White posterboard reading: Do Not Lose Heart...: Stay Strong, NIU. Also has a message of support and a large red heart drawn on it. Size: 20" tall by 30" long.
Poster from Campus Memorials White posterboard reading: Be Not Afraid, I Am With You Always: Matthew 28:20: Forward Together Forward. Size: 19.75" tall by 29.75" long.
Sign from Phi Kappa Theta from Campus Memorials Black posterboard reading in red, gold and silver: Phi Kaps Remember...: We Are...NIU: Always in our hearts: Forward Together Forward. Also has the five victims' names with a drawing of a cross reading "RIP" on it. Some Greek symbols. Signature on back reads: Brent Davi & "The Special Phi Kap" Stephanie [Hiemur]. Size: 20" tall by 29.75" long.
Poster from Andrea Crumley, et al, from Campus Memorials White posterboard reading: Compassion Will Lead Us To Healing. Five paw prints with the victims' names are glued on, but Gayle's paw appears to have fallen off. Also, the board has various messages and signatures. Size: 19.75" tall by 29.75" long.
Poster for Gayle Dubowski from Campus Memorials White posterboard with note to Gayle Dubowski written in French. Other messages appear to have been on this poster, but have faded from water damage. Size: 22" tall by 28" long.
Poster for Gayle Dubowski from Campus Memorials White posterboard reading: Te iubim!: U will be missed!: Look to God. There are six notes on the poster addressed to Gayle. One message is in Portuguese only, the others are in English and have Portuguese phrases. Size: 22" tall by 28" long.
Poster from 'Liz & Linze' from Campus Memorials White posterboard reading: 'In the end, we will remember not the sound of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.': - Martin Luther King, Jr.: In our hearts forever: Liz and Linze. Also has a drawing of a black ribbon and a red heart. Size: 21.75" tall by 27.5" long.
Poster from The Junction Family from Campus Memorials Large white posterboard reading: Our Prayers For You NIU.... Has a huskie dog drawing signed "The Junction Family". Also has two black and red ribbons glued on and various signatures and messages of support. Size: 32" tall by 40" long.
Signs from Salvation Army Board from Campus Memorials Red and white shield-shaped Salvation Army logos. Quantity: 2. Size: 9.75" wide by 11.25" tall.