Images of Hope Project
Images of Hope was a public art project organized by Distinguished Teaching Professor in the Department of Educational Technology, Research, and Assessment, Dr. Rhonda Robinson, Media Services, Outreach, and the Office of Support and Advocacy. It was displayed during "NIU Remembers: A Day of Reflection," the one year anniversary of the February 14, 2008 shootings. All members of the university community were invited to submit photographs that they believe could address questions such as: What does recovery look like? What do you "see" when you think of hope? The concept of the exhibit, which was displayed both electronically and with prints displayed on the wall, was for visitors to find encouragement, hope and renewal.
Digital Memorial Exhibit
The collection includes items taken from the six spontaneous memorials found on the DeKalb campus after the February 14th shootings. Also included are banners, posters, sympathy cards and other items sent to various departments on campus as a way for others to showed their support to NIU.
These oral accounts of February 14, 2008, were recorded by StoryCorps, a national oral history project whose mission is to honor and celebrate one another's lives though listening. The organization was brought to campus from September 29 through October 3, 2008 to facilitate interviews between members of various aspects of the NIU community to, through story, honor and remember the people affected by the 2/14 event. The full interviews are archived both at the Library of Congress and at the Regional History Center.
User Contributions
Displayed in this collection are the personal memories shared by users. Use the "Tell Your Story" tab above if you wish to contribute to the site and archive.
Memorial Panels
These large-scale panels were written upon and displayed at either the NIU or Virginia Tech campus. The students of these campuses wrote on them as a way to offer words of support or a method of grieving.